Friday, February 3, 2017

Mt.Pulag, Benguet

Mt. Pulag, Benguet
November 18-20, 2015

In between desires to travel, to discover and to experience, there are sacrifices, sleepless night and unexpected incidents.

Witnessing the first light of November 19, 2017.  Ascend to the peak started at 1:00 in the morning from the ranger station, our group reached the peak at 5:00AM. 

We all love the descending golden sunset as it entails romance and best memories, but very few people appreciate the beauty of ascending sun that provides a maximum spirit of life and renewed sense of belongingness. 
Just when I thought of giving up, just when I thought that I couldn't take the cold creeping through my veins anymore, just when I thought of crawling back down for comfort, yet, I looked back and got blinded by you.  

Mt. Pulag is hailed as “playground of Gods” and known for its phenomenal “sea of clouds,’ it is the 3rd highest mountain in the Philippines and highest peak in Luzon with 2,922 meters above sea level.  It borders the three provinces of  Benguet, IfugaoNueva and Nueva Vizcaya.

Mt. Pulag can be reached via four sets of trails, the Ambangeg, Akiki and Tawangan from Benguet and Ambaguio trail from Nueva Vizcaya.   The Ambangeg is the major jump-off point and known as the executive trail, which is highly recommended to first timers and non-climbers, like me.

How to get Mt. Pulag from Manila

For true blooded mountaineers, Mt. Pulag is considered as one of the major climbs, thus, it constitutes major challenges for someone who never climb to any of the Philippine mountains in 34 years of existence.

2:00 AM -  Manila to Baguio  via Victory liner, Partas or Genesis.
                     Travel Time is 4 – 5 hours.

6:00 AM – Baguio (climber’s meet up is usually in front of Victory liner bus station) to Bokod, Benguet. Travel time is 3 – 4 hours.

10:00 AM – Registration and orientation at DENR office.

That may also be your last chance to purchase or to replenish your supplies for the climb proper.

11:00 AM -  Off to Babadak Ranger Station. Travel time is 1 hour.

DENR office at Bokod, Benguet.

The Babadak Ranger Station is the jump-off point to three campsites.   All climbers must make an arrangement for a guide from the ranger station, as no group or individual will be allowed to proceed to any of the campsites nor to the mountain peak without a tour guide. Porter services can also be arranged at the station for a fee. 

View from our campsite at Babadak Ranger Station.

The decision to climb Mt. Pulag came out last minute as Manila declared a week long holiday due to ASEAN Summit.  Unfortunately though, lots of people, mostly were students, also took that opportunity to climb Mt. Pulag, thus, the mountain reached the maximum number of visitors and our group were not allowed to proceed to the campsite, so we opted to stay at the ranger station. Staying at the ranger station has its advantages and disadvantage:

You get to rest and sleep, which is essential to the early assault to the peak the following day.

You don’t have to bring your gear up to the campsite.

There are stores and carinderia for food and snacks, and there are homestays and private abode that would let you use their comfort rooms.

The view at the ranger station also offers a stunning view.
We set-up our tent on top of the small hill at Bodok Ranger Station.

Babadak Ranger Station.

Sunsets at Babadak Ranger Station.

You have to start climbing as early as 1:00AM, which means waking up at 12midnight to prep up.

Travel Tips:

Travel agency: For first timers, it is best to join an organized climb by accredited travel group agencies, there are lots out there, so you will be properly assisted and guided.

Medical Certificate:  All climbers will have to submit the medial certificate stating that you are fit to climb upon registration at the DENR’s office.  You wont be allowed to proceed to the ranger station without the proper document.   

Walk and be fit:  Make sure that you are fit to climb by preparing your lungs, the air is so thick up there.   Walk, if you cannot run, for at least 30minutes a day, in preparation to at least 8 hours of trekking back and forth to the ranger station.

Gear up:  Make sure you are equipped with proper gear such as headlamp and pole.  Water is utmost important, there is a water refilling station at camp 2.

Dress up:  Do not underestimate the temperature as it could drop to less than 10 degree Celsius, so dress up properly, invest on thermal suites, jacket, bonnet and gloves, and a hanky for runny nose. 

Smile even if you feel numb all over. 

The sun slowly lighten up peaks.

This view reminds me of the Lord of the Rings' Battle of Isengard, where the Treebeard urged the group of Ents and Huorns  (old trees) to  attacked the Isengard and liberate the fortress against Saruman, Uruk-hai and Orcs. 

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